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PHPfileNavigator v2.1.1

本帖由 greatqsh2006-03-09 发布。版面名称:后端开发

  1. greatqsh

    greatqsh New Member


    PHPfileNavigator v2.1.1 is an open source code and free application to do a complete management of yours files and folders by web.

    It's powerfull, fast and easy web file management with a lot of features and options.

    Easy to install and configure, you can do all administration andi file management by web.

    You can view a demo version of PHPfileNavigator v2.1.1 HERE or view the older version PHPfileNavigator v1.6.8 HERE.

    The version 1.6.8 don't have some known bug, the new version have a lot of more features with "face" more clear.

    This application start in web on September of 2004, but is in continuos updates and revisions.

    You can get support in the formus. I try to solve yours problems or yours doubts.

    So I need that you help me to translate this application to other languages, and if you like, please make me a donation.

    * Navigation by the system of files.
    * It allows to the creation of directories or upload of files.
    * It allows to actions on the files and directories like moving, copying, to renombrar, to eliminate, to unload...
    * It allows to the creation of hidden files with additional information on any directory or file.
    * It allows the creation of images in miniature for greater others.
    * It allows to the visualization of the content of the directories in tree form, teaching single the directories or all the content.
    * It allows the arrangement by type of file, name, date or weight.
    * It allows formable pagination to avoid excess of weight of the pages.
    * It teaches an icon different for each type from file.
    * It allows to visualize in list the images in miniature.
    * It allows to see the content of a file if not image.
    * It allows the configuration for several languages.
    * It allows the configuration of several directories root, each one of them with his file of configurations and language.
    * It allows to an administration of users and root trought Web.
    * Simple installation and implementation in another system when using a control of relative routes and file of configuration of routes.

    If you see that something can interest you of exposed here, you install it and you will see as if that you can take advantage of it.
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